E v e n t s

Please note that in order to attend an event you must be of legal age in your country. The only case, in which a person under age can attend an event is when they accompany their parent or legal caretaker. Thank you for your understanding.

C l u b M e m b e r W i n e P a r t y
To be announced/ Free of Charge
Guided walking Tour through the Vineyards of Lo Stagnone and Marsala.
Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in the Region of Lo Stagnone
A f t e r n o o n P i c n i c
After 2026 For Guests & Club members
Every last Sunday of the of the month throughout the summer season (April-Oktober) we hold a picnic where wine-makers and wine-lovers alike meet to enjoy each other’s company.

A n n u a l H a r v e s t D i n n e r
After 2026 For Guests & Club Members
A three-course meal prepared according to your personal tastes and preferences combined with the best wines of this year’s vintages. Enzo and his family host this dinner.
Z i b i b b o & J a z z
To be announced
Every last Sunday of the of the month throughout the summer season (April-Oktober) we hold a picnic where wine-makers and wine-lovers alike meet to enjoy each other’s company.