C r a f t s P e o p l e

E n z o A m a t o
The Amato family, owners of some of the best vineyard sites in Marsala, was initially skeptical when the seasoned sommelier asked if he could cultivate a few rows of their vines. But his passion and knowledge convinced them, and an experiment unlike any other began. Combining cutting-edge techniques from Austria and Australia with traditional handcraftsmanship, Ronald Amici focused on Nero d’Avola, Grillo, and Zibibbo grapes. No machines were allowed—every vine was meticulously tended, and every cluster of grapes harvested by hand.
Viticulture Director
P e p p e A m a t o

senior winemaker
R o n a l d o A m i c i
For the Master Sommelier Ronaldo Amici, wine is more than a product—it is an expression of art and nature. This philosophy is reflected in his unique practice of playing classical music for the vines. Daily, the sounds of Pavarotti, Debussy, and Chopin resonate through the vineyards, both during the growth phase and in the winemaking process. Amici believes that these harmonious vibrations enhance the vitality of the vines and refine the character of the wine. Initially met with skepticism, his method became a local talking point, especially after early tastings revealed the exceptional quality of his grapes.